The Drake IPV Symposium – Tuesday 29th November 2022, Woburn House, London

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The Drake IPV (intimate partner violence) Symposium bridges the gap between research, practice and policy in IPV-related brain health, with the aim of identifying research gaps, setting priorities and equipping policymakers with the information necessary to make informed policy decisions around IPV and brain health.

The inaugural 2022 programme showcased the latest research around domestic abuse-related head injury and translational learnings from head injury research in other populations, including athletes and people within the criminal justice system.

The Symposium is co-hosted by The Drake Foundation and Prof Willie Stewart (University of Glasgow). The Drake Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation committed to understanding and improving the health and welfare of people impacted by head injuries, including sports players and IPV survivors, through scientific research and collaboration. Prof Stewart is one of the world’s foremost experts in traumatic brain injury, and leads the Glasgow Brain Injury Research Group.

In 2021, The Drake Foundation announced funding for the Drake IPV Study, investigating the long-term effects of IPV on brain health. This project is being led by Prof Stewart, Professor Craig Ritchie and Dr Graciela Muniz-Terrera at the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, who are experts in the areas of brain health, dementia and aging. Together with the project team, we know there is a need not just for research, but also support and education for those affected by head impacts and those who make the policies surrounding domestic violence and abuse.

This is why we are jointly hosting the Drake IPV Symposium: designed to bridge the gap between research, practice and policy, the Symposium will aim to equip policymakers with an enhanced understanding of the long-term brain health impacts of IPV, while providing a forum for discussion between researchers, practitioners and policy-makers.


09:30 – 10:00 Registration and networking
10:00 – 10:10


Opening address

Lauren Pulling (The Drake Foundation) and Prof Willie Stewart (University of Glasgow)

10:10 – 10:25 Setting the scene: the IPV issue in perspective

Nicola McConnell (Office of the Domestic Abuse Commissioner)

10:25 – 10:40 Hidden damage: the shattering realities of the effects of domestic abuse on body and mind, as told by a victim and survivor

Liz Fraser, Ambassador for the National Centre for Domestic violence, survivor of IPV and domestic abuse

10:40 – 10:55 Brain health and relationship with neurodegenerative disease

Prof Craig Ritchie (University of Edinburgh)

10:55 – 11:10 Brain injury and lifelong health outcomes

Prof Willie Stewart

11:10 – 11:25 Lessons from the criminal justice system: IPV trauma and rehabilitation

Prof Huw Williams (University of Exeter)

11:25 – 11:55 Break and networking
11:55 – 12:10 IPV and long-term brain health: The Drake IPV Study

Natalie Jenkins PhD (University of Glasgow)

12:10 – 12:25 The ENIGMA Consortium IPV Project

Dr Carrie Esopenko (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)

12:25 – 12:40 Cognitive, psychological and neural corelates of IPV-related brain injury

Dr Eve Valera (Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital)

12:40 – 13:00 The view from Parliament: updates and priorities

Jess Phillips (Member of Parliament and Shadow Minister for Domestic Violence and Safeguarding)

13:00 – 13:20 Long-term brain health impacts of IPV: learnings, priorities and next steps / Meeting close

Prof Willie Stewart

13:20 – 13:50 Further networking time